Ocular Robotics new REV25-ST Stabilized Camera System Debuts in the USA

26 June 14

Ocular Robotics new stabilized camera system the REV25-ST had its US debut at the AUVSI unmanned vehicles conference and tradeshow in Florida in May on the VectorNav stand. VectorNav are one of the Company’s supply partners.

The demonstration had two modes:

  • One where the system could be swung around in the demonstration mount quite violently while it maintained a gaze on a nominated point.

  • The other mode shown in this video http://youtu.be/dSuPJmOTBIE had the REV25-ST maintaining observation of six separate locations despite its motion in the same demonstration mount. Note – the video was taken while allowing the motion of the RobotEye head itself to induce motion in the demonstration mount, normally a demonstrator would actively move the REV25-ST in its mount providing a higher degree of motion against which the REV25-ST would stabilize.

The REV25-ST delivers unprecedented ability to stabilize the view of a camera about all three axes while mounted on all manner of mobile platforms and vehicles.

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