Dear Readers,
Happy new year! 恭喜发财 Gong Xi Fa Cai
May the Year of the Rabbit be a healthy, happy and prosperous year!
Welcome to the January 2023 edition of the Funding Strategies newsletter!
We started off the year with a great strategy session with a retail brand to address issues around revenue generation, marketing, business growth and management. We are looking forward to completing a roadmap to achieve their ambitious goals.
From Mark's desk
I recently saw an article with the headline: “Why 60% of SMEs go bankrupt within 6 months of a cyberattack”. The article states: "Eighty-three percent of small businesses do not have additional funds set aside in case of such an event. Thus, 60% of small companies go bankrupt within six months after a cyberattack."
Essentially it is saying most small businesses do not have enough working capital to sustain an external shock. In our experience we see that many SMEs:
Aren't managing their working capital;
Aren't managing their WIP, job costing, invoicing cycles;
Don't have a good cash flow forecast;
Don't have a large enough "safety net" in terms of finance facilities;
Often don't understand the options available to them to solve these issues;
Often act too late;
Lack governance and oversight structures.
If your business is experiencing any of these issues please contact us for a confidential discussion. We can often help with some or all of these problems and help move the business forward.
This edition of our newsletter includes:
Product of the Month: Management Consulting;
Introductions: Project Abseil, Project Home, Project Cargo, Project Fitness, Project Screening, Project Barrel;
Client Updates: Enviroplas Holdings, Limestone Coast Brewing Operations;
Upcoming events: ACBC;
Team Updates: Mark becomes Chairman of BlueMount Capital, Flora reports from Hong Kong.
Click here to read the full newsletter.
For more information please contact us via email or phone 07 3160 2840.
About Funding Strategies
Funding Strategies is an Australian based capital markets firm providing venture equity capital and finance services to small business and companies seeking capital for growth and expansion in the unlisted and pre-IPO capital markets. We work with predominately private and public companies, and sophisticated investors. If you would like more information, please email or phone +61 7 3160 2840.
Image below: Delegates at the Asian Financial Forum, Flora is second from the right.