Funding Strategies can provide a full range of capital raising solutions.
Why Raise Capital? Companies raise venture capital for a wide range of reasons including to:
Hire human capital
Grow the company (sales and marketing) and acquire market share
Have a competitive advantage (more nimble in the market place)
Provide funding for working capital and to build cash reserves
Enhance credit and borrowing status (use equity to get debt)
Launch new products and provide investment for new initiatives
To provide development funding and project funding (eg. for mining tenements)
Fund acquisitions and joint venture partners
Fund capital investment and expansion (project finance)
Retire debt / reduce balance sheet gearing
Increase profit by reducing interest costs
Match grants funding
Exit the business gradually by selling down shares
Negotiate with stakeholders (ie. bring money to the table)
Replace shareholders
In this webinar, we explore capital raising options and provide you and your business with possibilities on how and where to start.
Join us online to find out about funding solutions for your business.
Click here to watch the webinar recording.
To download the webinar presentation, please click on the link below.
For more information, please visit our website: or contact us via email or phone: +61 7 3160 2840. We look forward to hearing from you!